Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kara: 2 years, 1st month

Oh, our sweet baby is becoming less and less of a baby everyday.

She is definitely our shoe kid. We've found that if we turn our backs on the girls, Jana has her shoes off in a split second and Kara is trying to put on any shoe she can find.

She's still such a happy little girl... despite another round of an ear infection and now a trip to the ENT to talk about getting tubes. :-(

Please notice the bruise on her head! She's in the stage where she thinks her body can do more than it can and ends up falling. Unfortunately her forehead takes the brunt of it most of the time - she's had at least one bruise on her head for the whole month.

After spending a few months with the wonderful Brenda and her adorable son Nolynd, we'll admit that Kara has picked up one bad habit. :-) She learned from her "Noly buddy" how to and likes to take off her pants and run around in her diaper. She especially likes to do this when we've gotten her in her jammies for the night.

Kara loves the doll strollers that we have. They often trade because Kara's new one is pink and purple (vs. just pink) and little miss "I only like pink and purple a lot" likes to borrow Kara's. Kara's hair finally seems to be growing. While she has enough hair to go into pigtails, when it's down it doesn't look like much. It's starting to hit the short and unruly stage before it's long enough to look like little girl hair. :-)

Kara's so funny about hoodies. No matter the weather and no matter how hot it is out, she MUST wear her hood up.

Despite having another ear infection, Kara's language has boomed again this month.
Her new phrases:
"Get me out!" (usually when she's in her crib and wants out, but also in anything that contains her: high chairs or car seats)
"No Mama (or Dada). I do it." (You can imagine how fun this one can get.)

She also loves to sing. The ABCs are her favorite, but she also likes Twinkle, twinkle and The Wheels on the Bus. The cute thing about her ABCs is that she goes through it and when she sings "Now I know my ABCs", she just continues to DEFG. Hee, hee. So, it's an endless cycle.

She loves Jana's bed. Every night while we read stories, Kara crawls into Jana's bed and wants to be read to in her bed. She very much wants to be in a bed, but we're definitely not ready for her her to be in a bed. :-)

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