Saturday, June 27, 2009

Jana: 3 years, 4th month

Jana's such a sweetheart these days.

We are mostly having success in trying to get rid of the bad habits Jana picked up at preschool. She and Kara are enjoying their time at home together and are definitely learning how to play together better.

Mommy and Jana trying to do a cute self-portrait. Ehh. She looks cute!

It was so neat to see how Jana reacted to Kara's birthday this year. She was very excited to pick out a present for her and proceeded to carry it around all day, telling everyone she saw that it was her present for Kara's birthday. Oops!

Here's Jana very excited about Kara's new birthday presents.

Our silly girl in her "cool dudes" as Grammy calls them.

At the beginning of the month, Mama had to head out of town to finish up one of her consulting contracts. So we had a wonderful friend helping us out with childcare that week. The girls love her, so it was great. I dropped them off on my way to the airport. Apparently Mama forgot to mention that Jana was in her jammies still because she did some very cute braids in her hair, but sent her to school in her jammies. Hee, hee! Here they are having a picnic dinner with Daddy - both still in the jammies Mommy dropped them off in.

Now that the weather is nicer, we spend a lot of time outside. Bubbles are our favorite toy outside.

Kara got a doll stroller for her birthday, so they also like to play to with their dualing strollers int he backyard.

A new battle we're having this month is over the hair. She hates having her hair combed and Mommy hates her looking like a rag-a-muffin. I think I was able to get one side of her hair combed.

Mommy had a bit too much fun at Gymboree this month and Jana is very proud of her new clothes. So far this is her favorite outfit.

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