Friday, July 10, 2009

Our kids are crazy!!!

So, I've shared pictures of my girls being cute. I've shared pictures of them swimming and riding bikes - showing off what they can and love to do...

but there are some pictures that we haven't shared. . .

Our girls are very sweet and quite funny, but they can be very crazy!

Now that they are home with Daddy all the time, and spend all their time together, the craziness seems to be increasing exponentially.

Here is a game they invented while at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Kara climbs into the high chair and sits down - Jana climbs up, too.

Kara leans forward and basically head-butts Jana in the stomach...

And then Jana jumps down.

They did this for hours. There were moments of Jana falling off too hard or Kara leaning forward to early and they hit heads, yet this was the game of choice for a very long time.

Jana drives us crazy some times with her insistence that clothes fit her that she's outgrown. She gets upset when we take clothes out of her drawers and put them in Kara's. The funniest is when she is absolutely positive that something infant-size still fits her.

Here she is wearing an infant-size Halloween costume.

Have we ever mentioned about Jana's need to match things. If you ever see her, be assured that her undies match her outfit. Everything must match. She also has a favorite outfit right now, so we have to be careful. Kara (who has the same outfit) can only wear hers after Jana has worn hers, or we end up like this - matching. This was on our anniversary when we all went for a bike ride together.

Kara is still in the phase where she likes to put things in her mouth. Yucky, but this can be amazingly humorous at the same time. The girls got a Mr. Potatohead Easter Bunny in their Easter baskets this year. That seems to be a favorite toy these days. Kara managed to find the bunny cheeks and teeth... to chew on. Oh my, did Daddy and I have some laughs.

And monkey see, monkey do went the other way this time, so then Jana had to "try on" the bunny teeth.

Which leads us into the next round of craziness. Swim goggles. Oh my! These girls are obsessed with goggles or "a gobbles" as Kara calls them. They fight over them in the pool and anytime they see them. So Mama thought it would be a great idea to invest in a few more pairs so that they each had their own pairs... little did I know. Please notice Jana wearing her goggles on her head in the previous picture.

Kara's been asking to go "a pee pee on the potty" for weeks now, so Daddy gave potty training a shot this week. Just picture the image: lots of accidents, Daddy not feeling great, new goggles, and the potty treat of choice: gummy bears. The results: a toddler who insists on sitting on the potty a lot and great bribe-worthy pictures for when she is a teenager. Hee, hee!

Can you tell that this kid is just an absolute ham?

And the not so crazy...

We were blessed with the opportunity for Kara to hang out with a friend while Mama had to work. We had no idea how great of a situation this would be for her - most likely far better than even if she had been home with Mama. This opportunity allowed her to be in the care of an amazing person who was able to bring out some wonderful sides to Kara's personality. By being able to be on her own, Kara's personality and confidence really came out.And we can't forget to mention Brenda's adorable son, Nolynd, who is known in our house as "A Noly-buddy." Kara asks about playing with Noly-buddy a lot, so we can't wait for Mama to be done working and we can have some play dates.

They had so much fun playing together.But my favorite is when Brenda took them to the library for story time and was asked if they were twins. Hee, hee!

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