Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Playdate and Big Girl Bed

Here's Jana in the "stomach" ball pit at the children's Science Museum near us. She had a blast today and we actually made it out of the bubble room. (We spent all of our time in the Bubble Room and outside last time.)

We met people from our playgroup there and we had fun. There was a little boy who is just a few days younger than Jana, so it was fun to have someone so close in age to her. Most of the time the boys are all older and a bit more rowdy. She had a blast.

Since I was wearing Kara the whole time, I found it was a bit hard to get pictures, so I'm lacking in the recording of this event. However, here is a picture of her in their little play-theater. It's decorated for Medieval times, so there were wonderful Knight and Princess costumes. Jana just loved the windows to play "hide and a go seek" with me.

We had a gorgeous day today and we did a bit of yard work this afternoon. Since we were out in the sun, it has officially become hat season around here and we all remember how much Jana loves her hats. She tried on the pink hat first, but once she saw the blue hat, well... you can see the pink one is on the ground at her feet.

We may have a hat lover (or tolerator) in Kara too.

You see hats are very important here in the Northwest because we are all pasty-white. Especially our family.

But the biggest news of the day surrounds this: the big girl bed.

As you can tell, as soon as we turned it into the toddler bed, it became for bouncing and jumping off of.
Because of the auto focus, I almost didn't catch her, but she is in mid-flight from the bed to the bean-bag chair. Needless to say, the bean-bag chair does not reside next to the bed anymore.

After much playing around, it was time for bed. No one warned me of the possible misery of the first night of a toddler bed. Jana cried for Mama for about 20 agonizing minutes. She then fell asleep - which is about a third to a sixth of the time it normally takes her to fall asleep. We did sneak a peak and she was in fact asleep in her bed. I so desperately wanted to take a picture of her, but I was too scared I'd wake her up.

However, by the thud, the rustling, and the whining I hear in the monitor now - I think she just fell out of bed.

We even put her new sheets on her bed for the special occasion. They are Pooh and Piglet sheets. The greatest part about the sheets is that the flat sheet is actually gathered on the bottom corners like the fitted sheet for ease of bed-making.

Oh, I know I'm sappy and sentimental, but my heart aches because my little girl is getting so big!!


Jen said...

ahh what a big girl! I always catch Jams jumping off her bed

S said...

I cried the first night too!