Sunday, April 13, 2008

Beautiful Day

We had an amazingly gorgeous day for the middle of April. It was 80 degrees and sunny. We don't get too many of those in April here in the Northwest, so we enjoyed every moment of it. We spent most of the day doing outside chores and yard work, but the girls loved being outside.

The hose and soap came out when Daddy decided to take off and wash the rocket box. After that, Jana was itching to wash something, so when she found the wagon and climbed in it - after it sat outside all winter and become the home to many 8-legged creatures, she knew this was her chance.

So after a good cleaning, she insisted that we go for a ride "up a street peez Mommy."

While it was fun for a while, she quickly tired of two things: 1) sitting still, and 2) Kara's feet touching hers (and so it begins: Mama, she's touching me!). So, it was time to climb out.

We eventually made it back down the hill to our house and Jana decided it was time to lounge in the wagon.

While Jana was being her usual monkey and climbing in and out of the wagon, Kara was content just sitting in the garage watching. This is one of my favorite pictures right now as you can really see those amazing eyes of hers. They aren't nearly as blue as Jana's are, but they are so neat with that dark gray-blue outside ring and such a light blue-gray color inside.

After that grand adventure, it was time to hang out in the backyard, the fenced backyard. :-) Jana quickly resumed to her running everywhere, while Kara explored the new texture: grass.

The hat didn't last too long now that she was out of the direct sun and she was studying everything in the back yard. She hasn't spent a whole lot of time back there as she was so young last summer and the weather has been so yucky up to this point.

"Hmm. That camera looks tasty. How 'bout you give it to me!?!!?!"

Oh, if you only knew how much this shirt fits our toddler tornado these days!

But the gorgeous day had to end and Jana wasn't too pleased that she was in her jammies and going to bed, but there was still a little sunshine left to play in.

1 comment:

S said...

I just love photos of your girls! Adam is totally an outdoor kid too and with the warm weather and then the cold snow he was so confused LOL. Can't wait for more warmth!