Monday, March 31, 2008

Seriously cute!

So, my big girl has grown up. After being around Arianna, Jana was bit by the baby-bug. She was even wanting to hold Kara yesterday.

Oh, she is so full of love!

Then she got Sweet Pea and now she dresses (or undresses is more appropriate) her bunny.

For a girl who had never really shown any preference for female-gender specific toys, clothes, etc., she now has is showing some opinion.

She also decided that she wanted to wear a jumper (my daughter never wears dresses voluntarily).

This weekend she got a hold of one of Kara's bottles and decided "Sweat Pea a hungry."

She brought out all of her kitchen stuff.

And for once, she was willing to share her toys with Kara - except for those that she was stuffing inside her jumper.

Kara had a wonderful time playing with toys that she's normally scolded for touching - since Jana was feeling very gracious. (Pardon the bib, she popped her left front tooth, the next left tooth is almost through, and the right second tooth is pushing through, but we haven't had any real movement on the right middle in a while.)

An another note, Kara is such a sweetheart. Her little personality is really coming out. When we were driving home from Grammy and Papa's, Jana started whining about wanting her Moosey. I assumed he had fallen to the floor, but when we stopped I realized that was not the case - Kara had snatched him away from Jana. Later, Jana was very upset that she didn't have Sweet Pea. Where was she? Yes, Kara had her.

She scoots all over the place now - just backwards though.

The other funny thing is that she's in the box stage. She loves boxes and lids - forget the toys that are in the box, though. You can see that she dumped out all of the toys and is enjoying the lid to the box.

1 comment:

S said...

love the mess too cute.
Jana's so cute with the babies awww