Monday, February 25, 2008

Kara Mae is 9 Months Old!

She's getting to be so big! She's so much fun.

She continuing to be a good sleeper (once we got her to sleep through the night) and is adjusting well to her new schedule. It's working out well for all of us - we get to go to play dates and I get to go to the gym.

She's an eating machine - food that is. She's not so interested in nursing as much anymore, but I guess that comes with being 9 months (Jana stopped around this time too). She loves fruits, likes oatmeal, and tolerates some green veggies. We can now say that she likes green beans and garden veggies, and will eat peas (when mixed with carrots). She's now starting to actually eat cheerios - not just suck on them and spit them out - and she likes apple chunks.

She's such a giggly little girl. While she's not as much of a flirt as Jana was, she certainly notices people and studies them. She attracts all kind of attention wherever we go with those eyes of hers.
She's an absolutely drooly mess - as you can see from the previous pictures. She's getting three teeth on top: left center, left outside (of the front teeth), and the right outside.

She's also very coy. She appears to be shy, but then gives great big grins.

She's a well traveled girl - okay, not well traveled, but she's got one up on Big Sis - she's been on a plane. Here we our at Sarah's baby shower.

This was a memorable month as she also got to meet GG (Great Grandma Virginia).

We had a wonderful day at the local kids' science center. Kisses from Mama.

Showing off that adorable grin!

We were much better about reading to Jana at this age than we are with Kara, but she's showing off that she enjoys books - the way they taste at least.

Hmmm! How do I get to that toy over there.

And finally, here are some new Jana and Kara pictures. I'm finding as they get older that it is more and more difficult to get pictures of them together. Usually it's Jana who won't sit still, but on the rare occasion they will sit together, Kara seems to get upset and cry.

Kara loves to watch Jana and Jana is so sweet with her. Jana talks to her, brings her toys, and makes her giggle.

1 comment:

S said...

sisters...awwww sooo cute together! Happy 9 months Kara (already?!)