Thursday, February 14, 2008

Jana Turns 2!

Jana's day started with breakfast. Daddy had left a box of candy hearts at her place at the table. After screaming for "Treats-es," she settled for cheerios and candy hearts for breakfast. Yuck!

We headed off to the indoor park to have some play time with the twins, Emma, and Noah.

Jana decided to push Brett around in the car since Sissy wasn't around to push.

Grammy, G.G. (Great Grandma), and Kara arrived shortly after Kara's nap and enjoyed watching Jana run around. Poor Kara woke up with a nasty cold this morning and was quite miserable - poor kid!

Jana got a special treat of a Dora doll that Emma chose just for her. (Thanks Tonya!)

The chaos continued when Gama and Gapa arrived and we all tried to sit down for some lunch. Phew! Trying to get one 3 1/2 year old, a 2 year old, two 22 month olds, one 15 month old and one 8 month old to sit down and eat lunch at one time was a bit crazy.

We arrived home and the two girls took some naps while we geared up for Jana's birthday dinner (which she refused to eat). After dinner - or after some of us ate dinner and Jana ran around screaming - Jana found her presents. Little monkey!

She found them behind the table, climbed onto the table and began unwrapping them.

We decided to do a few presents today, since Christmas took us two days, and we wanted to be able to do something OTHER than just opening presents on Saturday.

She got a "Vac-woom" which she loved pushing all around the floor and was so excited at how noisy it is.

My cute girl giving smiles to Grammy and GG.

She was a total crack up as she was fake laughing and falling forward in a fit of cheesy chuckles.
She also got a Dora rug and a digital camera.

Here's the birthday girl with her cake. (I'm not an artist, nor am I even remotely creative, so this was the best I could come up with.)
(I think I forgot to mention that Jana started asking for a Dora party for her birthday a few weeks ago, so that is what she got... and will get on Saturday for birthday round 2.)

And here Gapa is trying to show Jana how to use her very own camera (thanks Grammy). Now maybe she'll stop trying to steal ours!

All in all, Birthday part 1 was a success, minus a few temper tantrums.

I still can't believe that our little girl is 2!


Anonymous said...
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Angela said...

Happy birthday Jana!!

S said...

I can't believe she's two already! Happy birthday sweet girl! Love the photos!