Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A day in the life....

So, my friend Sheri did this for her son and so here is our day in a life of Kara and Jana.

Our day started with Kara waking up at about 6:45. Daddy got her out of bed at around 7. After a quick nurse, we got dressed, and headed downstairs for some great Mommy-Kara time. (Notice the tylenol bottle in her hand. Both my girls seem to love to chew on the top part of the bottle.)

After a little breakfast of oatmeal and applesauce (and Os of course), she was ready to face the adventures of the day.

Jana woke up about this time and after joining us downstairs, proceeded to steal Kara's cheerios from her tray.
During Jana's breakfast of yogurt and Os, she let me do her hair for the day. Once she discovered the camera was out, she really, really wanted the camera.

We put Kara down for her first nap of the day around 8:30, so Jana and I were able to get some good Mama-Jana time. The first goal for the day was to play with some legos.

Next, we were on to play dough.

Apparently I was a little behind on cleaning up after Kara and Jana found Kara's binkie. Jana's such a binkie-thief. I'm not sure why, but she was having kind of a rough morning and wanted her blankie too. So, we broke the rule and she was able to have her blankie out of her room

Next, we headed to the garage for some swinging time.

And after the swinging, we played in the sand box.

It was now 9:30 and time to get Kara up and head to the gym for my 10 - 11 class. Even though I remembered to bring the camera, I managed to forget to take pictures of them playing there. After the gym, we headed to Target for some new Play dough toys.

We got home and got ready for lunch. Jana was back in the garage playing in the sand box and Kara hung out with me while I got their lunches ready.

She had a great time playing "Peek-a-Boo." Notice the Tylenol again. No, we don't give them it that much, she just loves to play with the bottle.

We finally settled down for some lunch. Kara had some oatmeal, peas, carrots, and apple chunks, while Jana had cheese, crackers, and grapes. I was a bad Mama and let Jana watch Dora & Diego as she ate her lunch, that's why Jana has the spaced-out look.

Then the girls went down for naps.

Kara woke up first and was all smiles.

And we had some wonderful playtime together before Jana woke up. I'm noticing she spent a lot of time in the Bumbo today, which is funny because it hasn't been out in weeks.

Jana woke up around 4:30. While she was slow to wake, she instantly wanted the camera again. I don't know if you can get a true idea of how many "friends" she has in that bed with her. Apparently she loves to feel cozy!

After a quick snack of animal crackers and dried fruit (eaten with Moosey, of course), we were ready to go enjoy the beautiful sunshine.

We headed up to the top of the street - to the street of the new development behind our house. Jana rode her tricycle and Kara rode in her car.

Jana didn't last long on the trike before it was time for "a-run, run, running."

The little girls from the cul-de-sac were riding bikes and running around up here too, so Jana had a good time chasing them, but turned back and sprinted to me when they acknowledged her. Jana did slow down for a little while to push Kara around.

Kara had a wonderful time watching everyone. Notice her giggling as she tries to stand up in the car, but reaches the end of the belt and falls back onto the seat.

Jana did stop running for a little while, to go dig in the dirt. Good thing she doesn't mind getting dirty!

And she slowed down long enough to pick up and throw rocks. (Unfortunately, not all "rocks" were rocks. Ewwwww! Not a fan of little dog-owners who don't pick up after their dogs. Needless to say, we washed our hands and sanitized them before dinner.)

Back to the house we went and into the swing again. The only way I could convince her to leave Moosey behind when we went up the street was to let him swing while we were away. So she instantly wanted to swing with Moosey.

Once we convinced Jana to come inside, Kara had a little dinner of Chicken & apples, sweet potato and applesauce.And Jana was back to the play dough.

Then off to bed for Kara. (Somewhere in there Jana had dinner, but I guess I forgot to take any pictures.)

When I came back down, I found Jana watching TV with Daddy and tromping around in my flipflops. (Ugh! I don't know what her deal was with the binkie today - we normally don't let them out of bed.)

And the bedtime routine started with a not-so-subtle hint: Jana stripped herself down to her diaper, grabbed a final drink of juice and asked to go to bed.

Phew! And now you know why we're so tired at the end of the day!


S said...

Thank you for sharing! I had some anxiety looking at your day and doing everything twice when you have two kids! They are really sweet girls - you are so blessed!

Kristi Ann said...

We have that same pink car, and Kayla LOVES it! :)
You know BOTH of my kids used to love to chew on those rubber tops. I would always keep an eye out, but I think it was Bugs favorite teether. LOL