Sunday, October 7, 2007

Teeth and Jana-isms

Well, we may have an explanation for the most recent bad sleeping nights by Kara. She appears to be working on FOUR teeth. That would explain the insane amounts of drool and general unhappiness lately. Poor baby!

We also have some Jana-isms that are an absolute crack up. Right now she's copying everything we say... as best she can. Here are her favorite words that she seems to come out with from no where.

Weeshies = fishies (goldfish crackers)

Baggies = blankies

Dabe = Uncle Dave

Mutton = button

Meemow = Meow, her stuffed cat's name

Bubbas = bubbles

Boobies = bubbles when she gets silly or tired

Jaaaaaaay naaaa = How she says her name

booky = spooky

biter = spider

doot doot = train

bito = burrito

Oh, she is such a joy!

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