Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Jana's first adventure in potty training

Jana's been alerting us when she's went for about a month now. She'll pat her diaper and say "wet." Last week she started waking in the middle of the night, screaming. When J went in to tend to her, she patted her diaper and said "wet." Once changed, she happily went back to sleep. Message: time to start potty training.

So yesterday, we bought "Duuuuura" (Dora pull ups) and we have started. Much to my surprise, we had success when I put her on the potty after nap time.

We went into the bathroom and next thing I know, she puts her hands up in the air and declares, "BIG GIRL!" That is when I realized that she went "pee pees in the potty." She was very proud of herself and wanted "new durrrras."

That was the only success yesterday and we haven't had any today, but I'm about to get her up from her nap and we'll see what we get.

The other big clue that it was time was on Monday when Grandma P got her out of her crib... with no pants. Apparently, she pooped and decided poopies were not comfortable and took off her diaper. Needless to say, everything got washed because there was a poopy footprint. The damage was minimal, but a sure sign it's time to get moving.

Here she is hanging out in her "monkey pants" as she calls them. We gave the big girl pants a try... and she promptly peed on my dining table chair. Oops.

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