Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Kara's First Birthday Parties

Two down - one to go.

On Kara's birthday, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Dave, and Jenny came over for dinner and cake.

Since she hasn't shown any allergies to food, we let her go at the cake. And boy did she!

In the end she ate most of the cake. What she didn't eat was rubbed into her hair! You can see some of the crumbs behind her ear and smooshed all over her face. She enjoyed it!

But then we headed straight for the bath. Forgetting that she's mobile, she crawled her way out of the bathroom while the bath was filling.

A little snuggle time while we waited.

On Saturday, while we had Dada's whole family together, we did dinner and cake- round 2. We were lucky to have "Grampa Ray" (as Jana calls him instead of Great Grandpa), Gramps, Glenna, (Great)Uncle Brian and (Great)Aunt Boo, Uncle Patrick, Auntie Sarah, "Baby Cousin Arianna" (I think she will always be called this by Jana), Uncle David, Jenny, and Auntie Meghan (poor Uncle-to-be Sean had to work) to celebrate with.

You can see that Jana helped to decorate the cake and had fun with sprinkles.

While she appears to be blowing out the candle, it's more of a coincidence than an intention. Great timing though!

And then to the opening of the presents. Jana was a great helper.

She was a great helper, until we had to finish unwrapping the present. Apparently Kara's birthday gift was in the car when Grandma had her accident and as Jana unwrapped it, we found some pieces of glass, so we had to do a bit of clean up.
Here's Kara enjoying her first Cabbage Patch Doll. She really likes it and had a wonderful time checking her out. (Thanks Aunt Boo!)

And when we got home, we found another present for Kara. She got the cutest wall hanging growth chart. Now we don't have to mark up a wall that will eventually be painted over. (Thanks Auntie Laura, Uncle Ryan, Tyler, and Justin!)

While it was a chaotic weekend with everyone in town, it was a wonderful birthday weekend for Kara and she got doted upon by many! Thanks everyone for such a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

Kristi Ann said...


Happy birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dearrrrr Karaaaaa
Happy Birthday to you!!~!!!

to the cutest 1 year old in the world! :)