Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Jana decided months ago that she wanted to be a dalmation. Then, after we purchased the costume, she changed her mind and wanted to be Tinkerbell. Thankfully she went back to the dalmation idea. Kara wasn't too sure of what she wanted to be, but was happy to go with the idea of being a lion - a hand-me-down from Jana. Sadly, I didn't try it on her until this afternoon and it was WAY too small. Oops! She was quite content to be a butterfly instead (yet another hand-me-down). All night she kept telling everyone that she had shiny wings. :-) Silly kid.

Here they are all ready to go.

We first headed to a local high school that does a "Safe Halloween" where kids can trick or treat through the hallways. It was VERY well done and the high schoolers did a great job decorating and dressing up. They had themes and had Alice in Wonderland, Where the Wild Things Are, House of Mouse, Good Night Moon... It was very cute and very well done and it was about as much trick or treating as the girls could handle.

Then we headed to Grandma and Grandpa's for some pizza and handing out candy.

Can you tell they were tired of taking pictures?!?!?
We even headed to a friend of Mommy's house to trick or treat and the girls were hilarious with their decorations. Kara kept wanting to climb on this stuffed giraffe.

Daddy and Mommy had way too much fun with the pumpkins this year. The girls picked out what they wanted and helped me design the silly pumpkin face, and Jana did the Mr. Pumpkin (Potato)head, but other than that, it was up to Daddy and Mommy to finish the pumpkins.
Mommy's masterpiece

Daddy's amazing Snoopy!Snoopy all lit up.
Kara wanted Pooh.

And Jana wanted the Word World characters. Here's sheep. Apparently I didn't get a picture of the rest of them. I'll have to go back and do that.

1 comment:

3LittleByrds said...

Lindsay, way too cute and growing so fast. Looks like they had tons of fun.