Friday, October 2, 2009

Kara: 2 years, 4th month

She is such a different kid these days! While we still have temper tantrums, usually as a result of Maiya going after her food or Jana taking a toy, they are far fewer. Her speech has taken off. We got a note the other day from her school saying that she does a wonderful job of using her words to communicate what she needs. :-) She also has started saying, "Oh (daddy or mommy)! I'm so happy to see you!" Talk about making a person feel good.

Her hair is finally growing. It's getting longer in the back, but the front is still shorter. However, oh my do we get some spectacular morning/nap hair!

She's such a happy and sweet kid!

She loves people watching. I think she was watching our friend Noah from across the room.

She's becoming so big. She's made the transition to the toddler bed. No more cribs in this house. Sniffle, sniffle!

We've had some big battles lately over the sandbo. Kara likes to throw sand and eat it. Ewwww! So we often have to close up the sandbox or sit with them to prevent sand from getting into every crack and crevice.

We had the pleasure of spending some time with Lexi while they were moving out of their house. The girls had a blast!

Kara's a total ham these days. We were able to see some of Mommy's old teaching friends and boy, did she turn on the charm. Here she is hamming it up for everyone!

And here are the girls on Kara's first day of school - the first day that both girls were there.

She did great. As you can see, she was off and playing as soon as we got in the room. She only had one minor meltdown - when she saw Jana on the playground. After a few days of crying every time she saw Jana outside, they adjusted the schedule so they aren't out at the same time. :-)

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