Monday, October 19, 2009

Pumpkin Patch 2009

This last weekend we headed to our favorite farm to get some pumpkins, apple cider, apples, and a treat of apple cider doughnuts. Mmmmmm!

We met the whole gang up there and the kids had a blast.

First, of course, was a stop at the playground and the swings.

Here's Ari being silly in the swings.

Jana loved the horse-shaped tire swing.

And of course Kara Mae loved the swings as well.

Jana managed to swing right out of her boots. Hee, hee.
The girls swinging away.

Quenton got lots of snuggle time as we all took turns carrying him. Here's Grandpa and his boy!

There was much to look at and Ari took it all in.

Baby Q didn't seem too sure of the animals, but enjoyed the sights.
The little girls loved the baby goats. "They're sooo cute!" Kara kept exclaiming.

Kara didn't think the pigs were as cute as she kept calling them "dirty" and "stinky ".

And what trip to Baumann's would be complete without some pictures in the cutouts!

Here's the too-sweet-for-words Baby Q!
And Kara Mae.

Jana and Kara together

And all the grandkids together!

Then it was off to find the perfect pumpkins. We unfortunately started with the really big ones. Kara got inspired to give Ari a big hug and a "squeeeeeeze."
And then Jana had to join in, of course.
Then Jana was off to climb the hay bales.

And Ari and Kara posed by the REALLY big pumpkins! Such cheese-balls!


Jen said...

What fun pics! Your girls are adorable as always!

Megan said...

So cute!!! I love how Baby Q probably outweighs Ari :)

Lindsay said...

Meg- He feels heavier than Kara(only because she helps by holding on)! I wish I could take credit for the pics - they are all Sarah's.