Thursday, November 6, 2008

Newest Janaisms and finally some Karaisms.

Oh my, this kid is hilarious.

We have a new word: Actually.

"Mommy, let's read a story, actually two."

After I told her we had 3 minutes until nap time, she looked at me and said, "Sleepies, in 3 minutes. Hmmmm (pretends to look at the clock), actually 5."

Kara had happily limited herself to few words until very recently. We had:

Mama, Dada, Mommy, Baa, Moo, Lalala, yes, yeah,

Now we have:

Cup, drink, pre-ees (pretzels) binkie, noodles, baby, doggy, fishies, cheese, ball, milk

1 comment:

Angela said...

Makayla has been using "actually" a lot too. It is so cute. Yay for all of Kara's new words.