Kara's grown up so much this month. She now has quite a few words, and she's so busy. She loves to take our kitchen utensils out of the drawer and wander around with them. We find random spatulas and slotted spoons strewn about the down stairs. We even found a wooden spoon upstairs.
Upside down Kara!
She is also very into shoes and jackets. She LOVES shoes. She insists on wearing them as much as possible. We found Jana's old slippers and pulled those out because we didn't want Kara wearing shoes all the time, but she loves to have them on. She also loves jackets. It started with her "fuzzy bear" jacket. It has now expanded to her fuzzy winter jacket. She can be wearing enough layers to be warm, but insist on wearing her jacket too, and ends up all sweaty.
Kara loves to giggle. She also seems to love to scream, but this kid is such a giggler. Sometimes there seems to be a fine line between the giggling and the screaming, especially when it comes to rough housing with big sis.
She's also getting more confident and flirting with people whenever we're out. It's almost as though she scopes out the room and decides who she's going to flirt with... and people seem to love her. We get so many comments about how cute she is and what a sweetheart she is. Between that big smile and glowing eyes, she just seems to exude happiness... except for when she's screaming. :-)
Auntie Sarah (with her new and fabulous camera) took this series of pictures of Kara last weekend. I just love these. This truly shows how intensely she watches people and why they seem to be so drawn to her.
Kara had a wonderful time and Jana's Thanksgiving program and dinner. She had so much space to run around and so many people to flirt with.
Kara's words now:
Mama, Mommy, Dada, Daddy
Issy (Sissy), Gampa, Gamma,
Up, cup, mo (more), ishies (fishies), ga-goo (Cracker), cheese
pre-ahs (pretzels), iwk (milk), uice (juice), binkie and probably more I can't think of.
She does the baby sign for hat, more, and dog on a regular basis.
She answers questions by nodding her head or shaking her head.
Ahhh, it's so much better being able to communicate with her.
We love you, little one!
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