Sunday, June 29, 2008

LiveStrong Challenge

This weekend was Daddy's LiveStrong ride. This is the annual ride that Daddy loves to do and trains for. With so many people touched by cancer in our lives, this has become a very important event to him.

In previous years, he has ridden with a team that he met through a class that he took years ago; however this year, he was part of a team from his school. Here we are in the shirts he designed for this year's ride. Pardon the not so flattering shot of us, J had just finished his ride (cut short because of an injury last week), I had run most of the 5k (I had to stop a few times because Kara was screaming.), and it was already scorchingly hot.

Here's Dada talking to Jana, assuring her that he was coming back, before he headed out on the 40 mile course.

Here's Dada heading out on his ride.

Here's Suzanne, Brad, Lexi ("Weck-ski") and us posing for a picture.
The girls were mostly good on the ride. The problems with this stroller are that the girls are touching each other, it was hot, and they could easily push, hit or otherwise annoy each other throughout the run. I got many laughs and many sympathetic looks as Kara screamed at different points on the run. Sometimes it was because Jana bopped her on the head, sometimes because Jana took the toy she was playing with, and sometimes it was just to scream. We finished with no major catastrophes or injuries, so that was the biggest success for us.

After J showered, we headed indoors into the air conditioning for a while to cool off and get a bite too eat.
Kara has hit the stage where she won't sit unless strapped down. If given the choice, she will crawl everywhere and anywhere she can. She discovered that she could crawl under the table and come out the other side and that provided such amusement and entertainment for her. She also liked crawling into the door way and sitting there; it was the best of both worlds - cool from the A/C inside, but still had all of the views of the outdoors. So, she needed to be strapped in while we sat and ate.

We headed outside to wait for Lance Armstrong's speech. Jana very quickly spotted the miniature golf and wanted in.

Her swing leaves a little to be desired, but she had fun, nonetheless.

Here is Daddy negotiating with her about returning the putter after she was done.
In the end, it took the two of them to talk her out of taking off with the putter, but she finally gave it up.

Kara was getting a little bored waiting for the speech. Can you tell? Mmmm. Tasty stroller!

And the speech finally started, so we roasted in the heat some more.

A few nice people shared their shade with us. Kara wasn't happy about it, but she sat in the stroller quietly through the speech.

Jana insisted on sitting on my lap despite the heat until she decided to take off and run around again.

We had a good time and the girls were actually pretty good through it all.

An awesome sight. The dedication wall: who people were riding/walking/running for.


S said...

very cool! I can't believe you ran in that heat! and J still did it despite his injury? wow very cool! Your little ones are freaking adorable!

Norberto Kurrle said...


Your daughters are SO beautiful!!! So many great shots of those cuties! What a wonderful and purposeful way to spend the day (even if it was hot).

I love your blog header too. Nice to reconnect with you.
