Friday, March 28, 2008

Snow? It's almost April!

So, Kara and I went shopping while Papa hung out with Jana. While we were shopping, it started to snow and snow and snow some more. It snowed so much that Grammy and Papa called to tell us to come home because they already had over an inch.

So we came home and Jana and I went out to play in the snow.

It was quite an adventure because we don't have any cold-weather clothes. So, we layered, but she refused to keep her hood on.

It was so cute - she was trying to catch the snow.

She was feeling adventurous and was trying to run around in the snow. She was having such a good time.

I could get her to wear her hood for a little while, but then she took it off and insisted on taking mine off too.

Then we went out to the street and went walking. We walked down a side street that had snow that was practically untouched. She was watching her footprints disappear behind her and started to do her "waddle like a penguin." "Waddle, waddle, waddle." (Thanks Diego.) :-)


S said...

stupid snow! seriously it's almost April! Adam loved it, me not so much! Jana is such a doll xoxo

Angela said...

I really should take a picture of my front yard and all the snow in it. It won't be completely melted until July! I'm glad that Jana enjoys it.