Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Visiting Grammy & Papa: Day 1

We've had a great time so far. We ended up leaving Patrick and Sarah's a little earlier than we expected - they were so wonderful to let us invade for so long, but they needed a chance to just be their little family.

The drive to my parents was soo much better than the drive to meet Arianna. Kara slept and we gave in and let Jana watch Dora and Diego on the portable DVD player. We arrived around 10:30ish on Sunday night. It didn't make for much of an Easter, but we'll make up for it next year.

Grammy and Papa LOVE to spoil the girls. Some times it is food treats, some times it is clothes, some times it is toys and some times it is extra attention. This trip is no exception.

First we started with Grammy letting Jana play in the water at the sink.

Next it was a trip to the park with Papa.

And finally Papa let her "drive" the golf cart.

In my parents development, there is a great little park that has a little club house that Jana loved. Here she is coming down the stairs inside of it.
Peaking out of the window of the club house.

She also loved the slide. She's getting so brave and wanted to go down the slide alone. We also had a fun time going down adjacent slides while holding hands (after she told me which slide I was supposed to go down and to "hold a hand, Mama.")

Look at those piggy tales fly.

And of course, Little Miss Kara Mae woke from her nap as charming as ever. While she seems to be days away from crawling, we're not convinced it's going to be her mode of transportation for long. Look at this kid stand.

After Papa and I took Jana to the park in "Papa's cart" Jana was obsessed with it and insists on driving it. Here she is with Dadda.

Apparently our exersaucer is boring because Kara really doesn't like it, but she loves to hang out in my parents'.

We're all enjoying this time greatly and I'm so appreciative of the help as Dadda headed off to Boston for the rest of the week.

1 comment:

S said...

they are getting so big at this just look at Kara! Adam loves to play at the sink too - can't wait for summer!