Friday, March 28, 2008

Day 2 at Grammy and Papa's

Since we arrived her on Easter night, there was candy around and Jana is obsessed with "beans" (Jelly Beans). She keeps finding the canister of Jelly Bellies and carries them around. She first figured out that they were in the pantry.

She would carry them on to the carpet and try to open them up.

Because she couldn't figure out how to open it (thank goodness), she would try to "drink" them. Then she says, "ahhhh, yummy beans."

Papa was at a meeting and Grammy had a dinner, so the girls and I had some quiet time together. Jana and I decided to make some banana bread (aka "Mommy bread" or "Mana bread").

She was a great help mashing up the bananas and stir the dough.
While the bread was baking, we headed out for a little walk. Jana decided she wanted to sit on Tyler's bike. We tried to do a little pedaling (because she fits the bike perfectly), but she wasn't having any of that.

So off we went on our walk. We walked down the street and then Jana decided to push Kara in the stroller for a while.

We ended up walking down the big hill down the street from my parents' house. Then I ended up carrying Jana back up the hill on my shoulders, pushing Kara, and carrying the bubble mower as well.


Jen said...

Your girls are so cute!! I love the pics of Jana helping you cook!! Jams is soo into that right now.

S said...

go super mom carrying all that stuff! you must teach me lol