Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Loving Being Home

We actually got to spend some time at home today! Between all my working, going to the gym and running other errands, we haven't had a whole lot of time at home. Instead, we're usually coming home just in time for lunch and naps. While we did make it to the gym this morning, we had nothing else to do, so we were home around 10:15.

First, this is how I found Jana this morning. She loves to feel cozy in her bed and she seems to take more "friends" to bed each day, but she doesn't like it when we clean out all of her friends

Kara and I had a wonderful time while Jana wouldn't wake up. That kid loves to sleep!

Here is Kara with her monkey. Gama and Gapa bought it for her when she was born. Since Kara has very few (or none at all right now) clothes that aren't hand-me-downs, it was very important for her to have her own "friends." Jana has always loved this monkey, but has always called it "sissy's monkey."

But now that she's getting older, she LOVES this little guy. He's really soft and squishy, so she enjoys... well, chewing on him.

Then as soon as we got home from the gym, Kara melted down and took a nap - allowing for Jana and I to have some good time together. I was excited to have some time with her and all she wanted to do was... nap.

Here she is curled up on the couch, covered by her blankie.

At first she complained of being "Seeeeepy", she became her usual-flirtations self with the camera.

Then it all became performing for the camera.

I was finally able to convince her to eat lunch, but she proceeded to be a total goofball! After eating all of her grilled cheese, she decided to dump out her cheerios from breakfast.
And then decided to talk through the container.
And put the container over her face and exclaim, "I see you Mommy."

Jana went down for her nap and I got Kara up. We had a great time and she crawled for the first time... kind of. She crawled backward, but that's in a video clip to come later.

I love being home with my girls and I love those days that I really enjoy my time with them.


S said...

I love being home right now with both kids but it's because Shawn's home with me. I am a little worried about when he goes back to work mind you! YIKES

glad you had a wonderful day with your beautiful girls!

Chelsea said...

SO cute! By the way...Tag you are it! See my blog for details!