Sunday, March 23, 2008

Kara is 10 months old.

I had no idea how big my baby has really gotten until we visited their new baby cousin, Arianna. And then, once you see a new baby, you realize how big your baby really is.

Look how big Kara is compared to little Arianna. *sniffle, sniffle*

Kara is becoming so big. She LOVES her cheerios and banana chunks and loves to feed herself.

This is Kara when she was so sick. It's been a rough month for her - first she had Croup and then a double ear infection and a virus. Now she's getting sick again, but we're hoping it's just a cold. As if that isn't enough for the poor girl, but she's also been working on her top four teeth.

She's getting so close to crawling. She crawls backwards instead of going forward. She also will reach in front of her for something to the point of being in the crawling position and then flop down, mad, until someone moves her.

She's still a really good stander, so it'll be interesting to see how much crawling she does before she decides to just walk.

Kara and Maiya have really struck up a friendship this month. This was the age that Maiya really liked Jana too (old enough to sit and pet, but not able to chase the dog yet). Maiya guards over Kara, ready to protect and loves to sit really close to her. Kara also really likes to watch Maiya.

Kara's also starting to manipulate toys a lot more. The butterfly is one of her favorite toys right now.

Kara is really starting to enjoy her toys. Here is her special monkey from Gama and Gapa. She loves this little guy. (In fact, he kept her company in her car seat for the 6 1/2 hour drive yesterday and we didn't have the screaming that we had on the way there.)

She is also in to putting things in her mouth. But it's so fun to see her start to interact with toys and show preferences toward individual ones.

Here's one of Kara's goofy faces. She stole Jana's "Mommy bear" and was not wanting to give it back.
Here's our big girl the other day. It's so funny to think back to how much of a thumb girl she was and now she's totally a binkie girl. I grabbed this sweater and threw it into her bag as we came up to Spokane because we needed something warm. Jana wore this in the fall, so I was shocked to see that Kara could fit into it.

Here's Jana in the same sweater in September (Jana was 19 months old.)

And finally here's my little girl, hanging out with Jenny. She's such a happy girl!

Kara is really starting to babble now. She had "da-da" down and sometimes "da-dee." We get lots of "na-na"s and an occasional "ma-ma." When she gets really mad, she yells "da-da." Jana now copies her sounds, so we get a conversation back and forth between them of baby babble.

1 comment:

Kristi Ann said...

She looks so mucy like Jana, I thought it was her for a sec! LOL

Simply adorable...I just love your little ladies! Hugs to them and HAPPY EASTER!