Sunday, December 23, 2007

Santa Breakfast 2007

We went up to my parents for the Santa Breakfast at the club house where they live. We got to go with my brother, his wife, and their two boys. It was a big hectic, but a fun time.

All the kids did really well with Santa and my parents were able to get their much desired picture of all their grandkids together.

Jana and Tyler ("Dy-wah" as Jana called him) are both into cars right now, which resulted in great moments of playing and a few struggles over the cars. I can definitely tell that Tyler is used to having a little brother around, because, for being 3 1/2, he did a FABULOUS job of sharing - even his prized new car! Jana followed him around in awe, she really likes older kids right now.

Jana also adored my brother. We have some great pictures of her squeezing herself in to sit on his lap in front of the table with all the cars. She, unfortunately, kept calling him Dave - Jeremy's brother. But, that's really a complement because Jana has a real attachment to Dave and the rest of us could disappear when he's around and she wouldn't mind/notice.

My parents got some great time with the girls, which was wonderful for all. My mom and Jana seem to be forging a wonderful bond and I can't tell who misses the other more when we leave. Dad finally got to spend some good time with Kara and now that she's out of the "lump" baby phase and really interacting, it was a lot of fun for both.

It was also very nice for Jeremy and I to spend time with everyone - it doesn't seem to happen very often anymore now that R & L and us both have two kids. It was fun to spend time with Justin, who is now almost a year old. We haven't gotten to be around him much, so this was fun. He's such a happy little guy and is going to keep big brother busy!

Another great part of the weekend was that my friends from high school (minus one) came down for dinner. There were three couples there and we had a blast catching up. Since they were all so nice to come to my parents house, we were able to hang out for quite a while and not have to run off to put the girls down for bed. We had a wonderful time talking babies, because, yes, they are both expecting! Yay! Now we won't be the only ones with kids! (Just kidding). We are so very excited for them and wish them the best.

1 comment:

S said...

So glad that Jana and Tyler had so much fun together! I love spending time with my family and it's much easier when the kids all get along too!

Merry Christmas