Saturday, December 22, 2007

Jana is 22 Months Old!

Jana really seems to have become a little girl this month. We were looking through pictures a few days ago and couldn't believe how much she has grown in the last few months. First of all, today she is wearing a pair of 24 month overalls!!!! Remember this was my little tiny girl who was in the 5th percentile. She's getting so tall and actually losing some of her chunky-monkey-ness!

I'm constantly caught off guard by her. She has her own will, her own mind, and her own agenda. But what I love is when she asks for a "ug" (hug) and a "giss" (kiss). Or she just wants to sit with you on the couch. She's not a huge cuddler, but she will ask for cuddles when she wants them.

Her vocabulary is amazing me. We now have:

orange, cuddles, mickey (mickey mouse), Meenee (Minnie), Dono (Donald), and oh so many more that I can't remember.

She repeats everything you say - good or bad! I said "oh crap" the other day and heard "oh cwap" for the rest of the day. Oops!

The most fun, however, is hearing her start to put together sentences. She has always said "more please" as a single word - thinking that they have to go together. But now that she can ask for the specific things she wants, it's fabulous. The first time we heard it we both laughed, though: "More please, orange." "More please, pizza." "More please, Os." She also says "I got it", "I do it", "I see you", "I gotcha", and unfortunately, "I want."

Her newest routine is that she HAS to give Kara a kiss and a hug before Kara goes yo sleep. If I take Kara upstairs for her nap and Jana hasn't given her hug and kiss she gets very unhappy and then will ask where sissy is through the entire nap. I love that Jana is so affectionate, but even better than that is that she's affectionate toward Kara. I know it'll change, but it means a lot to me that she loves her so much right now.

Jana likes to help me cook these days. Sometimes it's helping, sometimes it's hindering, but it's fun nonetheless. She just moves the step stool to wherever I am and climbs up to help. Here she is helping me shred cheese for our baked chicken spaghetti.

She is getting a bit more picky with what she wants to eat (wanting way more variety than ever before), but is willing to try new things. We discovered that she LOVES tomato soup.

She's now starting to play with the dog more, which the dog isn't too sure about. She'll throw the toys for fetch, but this is her favorite game right now: Tug!

She's definitely our gadget girl (as Gapa has dubbed her). Here she has found Daddy's ear piece and insists on wearing it and saying "Call." It amazes me what she picks up on (you have to say "call..." for the voice activated dialing). She often says "Call gamagapa" (yes, they have become one word to her). I know you can't tell, but the other part that cracks me up about this picture is that she is wearing her Lowe's apron, silver beads, has her binkie and is sitting in Kara's bumbo on the counter (don't worry, I'm right next to her)

The other new thing she has adopted is that she gets tired of wearing pants! When we change her diaper (yes, we're back into diapers now) she doesn't want her pants on, so that is why we have so many pants-less pictures now.

Here she is crawling through Kara's exersaucer -she loves to crawl through and under things right now.

We're having huge battles right now over the TV ("DB" as she calls it). She wants us to see if Dora is on at all times of the day. She brings us the remote saying "See. Watch Due-rah." Then she climbs on the couch and waits for you to turn it on. Ugh!

Here's my little Diva!

Here she is playing with her cars under the table. And, yes, those are her pajamas ("piggy bee-days") and shoes. She insists on wearing her shoes some times.

We all got a cold this month, and I have to say this is one of my favorite memories (in retrospect, that is). Jana woke up screaming one night at about 12:30 am (this was before we realized that she was sick). I went in and she quickly fell asleep on me, but woke screaming on the top of her lungs as soon as I tired to put her down. We repeated this one more time, so Daddy came in to take over. She absolutely fell apart when I left the room, but relentless Daddy kept trying. At about 2, he brought her to bed with us (we've never done this before, so it was a new experience for all). She immediately crawled in and curled up so close to me, it broke my heart because I knew something was up. We tried sleeping, but I felt these toes flexing on my legs, over and over. After about a half hour, she turned and tried to sleep perpendicular to us - head on Jeremy and feet on me, with those toes still going. About ten minutes later, I felt her start to move around, stood up, declared "Mounce" (bounce - i.e. jumping on our bed) and then promptly started jumping on the bed. Jeremy quickly scooped her up and took her to bed. We were both exhausted for the next week, but still get a giggle out of that.

So, here is a video of Jana talking. Every time we pulled out the camera she stopped talking, so we had to set it on the counter, so you can only see the top of her head, but the audio is what we were trying to get.

You'll hear her first say "more please, Os". Then she says "more please, orange." And then when Jeremy asks her what she has, she replies "Morange (more, orange together)." Finally you just hear my little motor-mouth babbling away - we have no idea what she is saying.

1 comment:

mego00234 said...

I can't believe Jana is almost 2!! I finally got signed up so I could leave you guys some comments. I love that you do this, it makes me feel like I'm still in the loop! :) I miss you both and those girls! I love you all! Love, Meg. Hopefully see you this weekend!