Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Pictures of late

Here's my silly goose with her hair pulled straight back instead of up in pig tails. It's long enough, but boy does it have a mind of its own! Within a little while it had pulled out and check out the pic below of the fabulous after nap hair from that day.

Check out this nap hair! Spectacular!

Jana likes to get down and entertain Kara these days - and Kara LOVES it. She loves her big sis so much! I hope and pray these girls will continue to love each other like this.

This was Jana's not so gentle reminder to put child locks on the top drawers now that she's taller. She emptied out all of my spoons and had a great time with it!

This was a new one for us too: crawling through the exersaucer!

And finally a pic of our little Kara Mae. We started introducing food a few weeks ago. She detests rice cereal, but loves Sweet Potato. I even tried to mix banana in with the rice cereal, but she would have none of it.

Kara has learned a new trick! She takes out her binky, and puts it in so she can chew on the nipple and the bottom part of the shield together.

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