Kara is developing such a neat little personality! She is a morning girl! She is so smily and happy when we get her up in the mornings - sometimes a bit too early for us.
She's got her bottom two teeth and by the drool factor, we're expecting the top two soon.
(You can see her two little toothies in this pic)
Drooly smile!
She is chewing on everything these days. She loves the chew on the hard plastic of her binkie. I can't tell if she likes the texture of it or just can't figure out how to get it back into her mouth the right way after she's taken it out.
She had to taste-test all of her Christmas presents.
Moments before eating poor lamby's face.
She is sitting really well these days. She rarely falls over anymore, unless it's on purpose- which is then followed by giggles because she finds her ability to move her own body hilarious.
Speaking of moving herself, she loves her bouncy horse! She has figured out how to rock it or make it bounce.
She used to pose for the camera, but is now starting to just stare at it with a look of ... well, it could be boredom, bewilderment, or just confusion, we don't know.
I know I've commented on this before, but what amazes me the most is how she looks at Jana and watches her so intently. She certainly loves her big sis.
Kara's been eating a ton more food. She's much more of a picky-eater than Jana ever was. She will only eat rice cereal if it's warmed. She does love Bananas, squash, sweet potato and pears - go figure! She's discovered her tongue lately and has decided to start playing with it if we take too long in her eating - then it gets very messy. She has, unfortunately, also discovered how to raspberry lately! The unfortunate part is when she decides to do it while she's eating. Mixed veggies seem to be her favorite to spray these days!
Before you watch this video, you have to know the background. We have a wonderful camcorder, but when moments like this come up, I end up grabbing our digital camera and using the video on it. Jana had discovered how much fun it is to use a camera (thanks Gapa) and we struggle with being able to take pictures around her. She is screaming in the background of this because she wants to use the camera. However, you can hear Kara's first babblings of "dada".
(You can see her two little toothies in this pic)
Drooly smile!
She is chewing on everything these days. She loves the chew on the hard plastic of her binkie. I can't tell if she likes the texture of it or just can't figure out how to get it back into her mouth the right way after she's taken it out.
She had to taste-test all of her Christmas presents.
Moments before eating poor lamby's face.
She is sitting really well these days. She rarely falls over anymore, unless it's on purpose- which is then followed by giggles because she finds her ability to move her own body hilarious.
Speaking of moving herself, she loves her bouncy horse! She has figured out how to rock it or make it bounce.
She used to pose for the camera, but is now starting to just stare at it with a look of ... well, it could be boredom, bewilderment, or just confusion, we don't know.
I know I've commented on this before, but what amazes me the most is how she looks at Jana and watches her so intently. She certainly loves her big sis.
Kara's been eating a ton more food. She's much more of a picky-eater than Jana ever was. She will only eat rice cereal if it's warmed. She does love Bananas, squash, sweet potato and pears - go figure! She's discovered her tongue lately and has decided to start playing with it if we take too long in her eating - then it gets very messy. She has, unfortunately, also discovered how to raspberry lately! The unfortunate part is when she decides to do it while she's eating. Mixed veggies seem to be her favorite to spray these days!
Before you watch this video, you have to know the background. We have a wonderful camcorder, but when moments like this come up, I end up grabbing our digital camera and using the video on it. Jana had discovered how much fun it is to use a camera (thanks Gapa) and we struggle with being able to take pictures around her. She is screaming in the background of this because she wants to use the camera. However, you can hear Kara's first babblings of "dada".