Thursday, December 31, 2009


We got surprised by a bit of snow the other day. As many of you know, we rarely get snow in the Northwest unless you are in the mountains. The weather forecasters were even just predicting rain. It made for quite a mess, but since we had no where we needed to be, we enjoyed it thoroughly!

The beginning: big fat flakes that were sticking instantly!

Then it turned to rain... then it turned into this.
And this.

The girls were napping, so by the time we got a snack, got dressed and headed out, we didn't have a lot of light left.

Kara suited up and ready to go play in the snow.

My girls in the snow.
Snow Angels

And our snow Kara and snow Jana! (But I have no idea what Jana put on the top of her snowman!)

As the snow turned back into rain, we decided it was time to head back inside. Daddy was so good to us and had some hot chocolate ready for the girls.

Here they are posing in front of the tree. (Can I tell you how happy I am that Jana's instantly turns into a goof and looks silly in every picture as soon as the camera comes out?!?!?!)
Our silly girls!


Sara K. Parker said...
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Lindsay said...

Thanks Sara! I've never seen it, but will have to check it out.