Sunday, December 20, 2009

Jana's Writing

In the last month, Jana has impressed us all very much with her reading and writing.

Twice now, Jana has read most of a book to me: some parts memorized, some parts sounded out.

It's so neat to be at the phase with her... especially since she's not even 4 yet. (Phew, and to think we still have a year and a half until Kindergarten.)

Here are some of her masterpieces from the last few months.

It all started with her writing her name one day at school. Then she decided to write her name in her tracing book. The funniest part of Jana writing her name is she makes two parallel lines that connects the top to make it an A instead of an H.

She was so proud of her smiley face too.

This one was a surprise to me. She found something she wanted in a catalog and needed to write Santa a note to tell him that she wanted this. I got her paper and crayons, but she insisted "No, I do it!" And this was what she came up with on her own. She was trying to write "Friends Suitcase", but ended up with "Frends Sootca..(and I had to help her with the 'se', which resulted in much frustration).

Next came Grandpa's Birthday card. She got most of it by herself, but struggled with the "th".

"Happy Birt"
She has insisted that "To" is actually spelled "Too" because it has the oo sound that two O's make.

Next came Daddy's Birthday card, which she did most of it by herself, much to Mommy's amazement. She got a little excited and didn't finish happy before starting Birthday, but she managed to fix it by herself.

"Happy Birthday"
"I love you Daddy."

[From] "Jana" with ballons

She also decided to color Santa a picture and write him a letter on the back.

"Too Santa. I am a good girl. Thank U. [heart] Jana"

She's such an amazing little girl. This is a really fun development for her because she never used to enjoy coloring (I think because she didn't think she was good at it).

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