Sunday, December 20, 2009

Getting Caught Up!

It's been way too long since I've been able to do an update. The girls are growing amazingly fast.

One of the ladies in the childcare at the gym summed it up best when she said, "I can't believe how much Kara is talking now and Jana's just a little girl now!" after not seeing them for a while.

Jana is full of imagination these days. She is constantly pretending things. She pretends with toys, takes care of her "friends" and babies, and loves to pretend that she's playing with Fancy Nancy.
We had our first round of whole-family dentist appointments. Phew! All 4 of us in for appointments was entertaining, to say the least.

Here are the girls playing while we waited for Daddy to finish. They love to climb on anything they can find!

The girls are VERY into Christmas. They decided they needed to wear their Mickey Santa hats one day on our way to school.

We headed up to Grammy and Papa's for the annual Santa Breakfast with our nephews. The girls had such a great time with the boys. More pictures are to come as soon as we get our camera back, which we left at Grammy and Papa's.

We had quite a time getting the kids to all look at the camera at the same time this year. Also, Kara wanted nothing to do with the picture, which made it a challenge. In the end, we had to crop a good picture of Kara and add it to a good picture of everyone else. Oh well!

First attempt at cropping/pasting.
Final version for Grammy and Papa's Christmas card.

"Auntie 'Nada" came over to play last night. We made pizza, decorated cookies, and made Gingerbread men pops. I had no idea that an extra set of hands made the whole cookie decorating experience so much fun.

Last night, when I went to check on the girls before I went to bed, this is what I discovered.
Not only do the girls LOVE everything about Christmas (like their Daddy), Kara loves wearing her Seahawk Santa hat - especially when she can match Daddy in his.

Look at all those curls now that her hair is shorter!

Those crazy curls... (and the crazy table. We had a hard time just eating breakfast this morning. We needed all of our toys too.)
The girls have been very cute playing together this morning. Both wanted to wear "Princess Dresses", but since Mommy's a little behind on laundry, we had to compromise. Kara picked out this skirt first and Jana decided she had to match.

A sweet sisterly hug this morning!

And finally here is our picture with Santa this year. We managed to go when there was not another soul there! It was fantastic. This is the same Santa we've been going to since Jana was a baby - which I think is very cool.

1 comment:

Norberto Kurrle said...

Lindsay, your girls are precious! Thank you so much for your comments about chores and your system, sounds super! Have a great week!
