Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Birthday to all!

This time of year is always busy, but especially with "Gapa's" b-day on the 13th, Daddy's on the 14th and Mama's on the 19th.

We enjoyed a quiet celebration for Daddy on his birthday and then celebrated with Gapa and Gama on Mama's birthday.

Helping Daddy blow out the candle on his birthday brownie. She picked out the confetti brownie for Daddy's birthday treat.

Stealing a huge handful of Daddy's brownie.

Finally eating off her own plate. She loved the brownie, but unfortunately she had a belly ache all night after eating all that chocolate - her first encounter with chocolate.

Kara was so kind to give Mama cuddles for her birthday.

Jana was such a big help with unwrapping gifts at Gama and Gapa's house.

"Look Mama. Daddy got something that has buttons for me to push and pretend it's a remote for the DB (tv)."

Jana taking off with the remote for J's new meat thermometer.

Helping Mama unwrap her birthday present.

All the while, little Kara Mae is enjoying her most common seat- on Grandma. It's really too bad no one likes to cuddle with this kid! :-)

1 comment:

S said...

Happy Birthday everyone! Love the pictures - the girls are getting so big!