Monday, November 5, 2007

Halloween 2007

This was another quiet Halloween. I worked in the morning, went shopping with my mom in the afternoon and the girls napped late. J wasn't feeling too great, so we just visited "Ga-ma and Ga-pa."

I feel rather badly because we had a zillion pictures of Jana in her Halloween costume last year and here are our two pictures of Kara in her costume.

She was overheating in this thing, so she really didn't spend a lot of time in it. But she was one cute "sissy mun-gy" as Jana calls her.

And here is our little "Roar" or lion as the rest of us call it.

"Roar" and "Ga-pa" answering the door for some trick or treaters.

Jana decided to follow a group of trick or treaters down the street and visited the neighbor across the street.

Back in the house Jana once again found the piano.

Mama gave in and allowed her to have some candy. The one problem is that she doesn't know what to do with all the extra spit as a result of the candy, so she's drooling down the front of her.


Rhonda said...

They are adorable!!!!!!!!! I love the costumes!

S said...

oh! my! Stars! they are both adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!