Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Best Big Sister

Oh my, Jana melted my heart today.

Kara woke up from her nap early and was screaming. So we came downstairs to play before Jana went down for her nap. I was sitting on the floor with Kara standing in front of me. Jana came over to us, wrapped her arms around Kara and gave her the biggest hug, then a kiss on the forehead. Then she leaned in again and put her arms on my shoulders and "skeeeeze"ed.

(Back ground: When J and I put Jana to bed, we always do a big "family hug" where one of us is holding her and we hug with her in the middle "squeezing" her. She giggles and loves it.)

So she "skeeze"d Kara and gave her another kiss.

I almost cried, it was the sweetest thing.

I can't even put into words how happy I am that Jana loves Kara this much. One of my biggest fears is that she'll resent Kara. (An irrational fear I've had since I found out I was pregnant again.) I know there will be times when they'll fight, but I hope this love keeps going - it's so precious.

1 comment:

S said...

awwwwwwwwww that is just adorable!
I truly hope Adam doesn't resent this new baby. He's had two years with just us and he's such a mama's boy -it's going to be a hard transition for him. I pray he does as well as Jana

We do the family squeeze too! isn't that funny!