Monday, November 12, 2007

Jana's 21 months old!

I know I say this every time, but seriously, how is she getting this old?

She is such a delight to be around. I never knew a child could be this happy. We have our moments, that's for sure, but in general, she's so full of joy.

She's getting more and more independent. She's refusing to wear bibs and doesn't want to sit in her booster seat for her snacks - she'd rather wander around with her food, taking the chance of the dog trying to steal it. She is quite stubborn about some things: wanting people's cell phones, wanting whatever your eating, wanting to watch one of her dvds, or not wanting to get her diaper changed.

She's inconsistent in her use of the potty. Some days we'll get both poopies and peepees in the potty and some days we'll get nothing. But heck, she's not even two yet, so we're just following her lead. Hey, at least those are a few poopy diapers we don't have to change. :-)

She seems to love her "sissy" more and more each day. She doesn't want to be away from her and gets very upset if someone else is holding sissy or pushing her in the stroller.

We have some new Jana-isms. She's so funny!

DB = TV & movies
mants = pants
mounce = bounce

She's turned into a little monkey - she loves to climb on everything. If we don't watch her carefully, we'll find her on the couch or even the table in a blink of an eye. She also loves to climb into her hold high chair, if the tray is off. (Also notice she's wearing Daddy's sock - goof!)

She's such a sweet and wonderful little girl. I'm so excited to see the person she's going to grow up to be because she certainly seems to be an absolute sweetheart now.

Look at how much hair she has now.

One of the funniest things is that she's obsessed with Kara's toys.
Eating lunch in the exersaucer no less!

She's getting more and more into dressing herself up in whatever she can find. Here she's in her pjs still with a pair of mittens, Lowe's apron, and her new hat (Thanks Jody!).

Still insisting on wearing her new hat while playing on her swing set that's in the garage now.

This cracked me up today. Here she's pulled herself up to the table and was looking through the toys r us flier.
Here is a clip of Jana and her animal sounds.

Her newest thing is if you ask her to say "Kara" she will always respond with "sissy."

Here is Jana and her baby signs

1 comment:

S said...

she's getting so big! I love that they are getting more independent. It's neat to see their personality emerge. I'm so glad we have both been blessed with good souls!