Monday, July 9, 2007

Jana amazes me

Man, I love that little girl! I love Kara too, don't get me wrong, but there is such a difference when the child can interact with you.

She's giving kisses more and more. She still loves to kiss Kara and her toys the most, but we've been the recipients of a few of those kisses.

She's talking so much now!

We were at Lowe's the other day and Jana was sitting in the seat of the cart and Kara was in the basket in her car seat. Kara started fussing and Jana turned around and said, "Hi, sis." and started rocking the car seat with the handle.

I dropped something while in the kitchen the other day and Jana looked at me funny. So, I said, "Oh that silly mama. So clumsy." For the rest of the day, she was saying, "Silly Mama."

I absolutely love that she calls Kara "sis" now all the time.

She says "Good dog" and "Move dog." She also says "I do it."

She loves to say "shoes" and has mastered "up, please" and "down", but we 're working on the please. She still doesn't have "thank you" yet.

She's trying to figure out this running thing. She tries to walk faster and ends up falling on her face. It's so cute, she then always says, "ooooh." We've really tried to temper our responses when she falls, so she rarely gets upset and is usually back up without missing a beat. She's become a good walker.

On the 4th of July, she was a total crack up. Her favorite thing to do was to walk up and down our drive way, despite it being steep. She needed a hand to keep her balance, but I think we walked 10 laps up and down. She also discovered that her Little People SUV rolls down the hill. So she would go to the top of the street and let it go. Then we would follow it down the hill to the bottom of the culdesac. It was the cutest thing.

We've discovered, however, that this kid needs something to play on at our house. So we've started the search for a play toy. We have found two that we're looking at. One is on back order until tomorrow. It's from the catalog "One Step Ahead" and it has a swing and slide. There's a Little Tykes one that is similar. But, we can 't seem to keep Jana active enough unless we go to the park everyday and that is just too hard with Kara and the heat.

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