Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Update on my girls

So, it has been way too long since I actually came on here and updated what has been going on in our lives. So here we go...

Jana is now 16 1/2 months old. She has a motor on her! She doesn't stop unless she's strapped in the high chair or sleeping. She walks everywhere, but gets nervous in busy places. She has found a new love: the park and slides. She discovered the other day how to climb up to the platform and then go down the slide. Way too cute.

She's also a chatter box. She has such an amazing vocabulary. Some of her new things to say that knock me over when I hear them are: (today in the car when she was playing with her new toy the twins gave her) "Nonononono, no in box," "I do it," "Da-a-ddy, " "Move dog," and "hot." She knows feet, toes, ears, mouth, and occasionally eye, but only if she can poke you in the eye.

She has finally started giving kisses. Grandpa Bill (my dad) was the first to receive a Jana kiss. Over time she has begun to give us kisses, but her three favorite things to kiss remain to be her toys, Kara, and the dog.

Kara is growing like a weed. My sister in law saw her this weekend and hasn't seen her since the weekend after she was born; she couldn't believe how big she is getting. She's fully into 3 mo clothes for length, but they are too big around her. She's a great sleeper like her big sister, but has a hard time going down during the day. We have discovered that she fusses herself to sleep. She is much more of a crier than Jana ever was, which gets a bit frustrating, but then she looks at us with her beautiful blue-green eyes and we forget about the crying (until it starts again).

J is home for the summer and it is nice to have him around. We are doing really well. We are doing great working as a team and have worked hard to have fun with the girls as a family. He's such an amazing man and I fall in love with him all over again when I watch him interact with the girls.

I'm doing pretty well. I'm going to be doing much better when I get more sleep now that all my stupid reports are done. I do have the senior papers to read, but at least I can check one thing off my to do list. I started running last week. I feel rather pathetic, but it's a start. We have been doing a 3.3 mile route, but I think we need to vary it up a bit before we get bored with it.

I have decided that I want to get back into doing triathlons. I have decided that if we can afford it, I want to get a bike in the next few weeks and do a triathlon in September.

Okay, what you all actually came here for: pics.

Jana's just checking on baby Kara.

Lounging in the rocker on the deck at Jacob's and Anya's house.

Jana and Daddy playing on the swings at the park downtown.

Mommy and Jana playing on the big toy.

Making goofy faces while in the stroller.

Poor Kara, this is her view in the stroller right now.

Dadda, Jana, and the dog exploring at the park.

Jana wasn't so sure about her new pool, so we were playing in it in the family room.

Kara hanging out in her bouncer.

"Ahh, finally a chance to stretch out. Can someone make sure I don't get stepped on though?"

Little Miss Bad Ass, wearing daddy's hat.

Jana LOVES slides. Can you tell?

And she loves the swing!

My little nudist. She loves going around without clothes now.

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