Wednesday, June 17, 2009

More winner conversations with Jana

We had spent the day with Auntie Meg who is very pregnant.

Jana: Why is Meghan's tummy full?
Mama: Because she has a baby in her tummy.
Jana: (with a look on her face like I had said the most ridiculous thing on the face of the earth). That's just silly, Mommy. Why does she have a baby in her tummy?
Mama: The baby is growing in her tummy.
Jana: Oh.
--- End of conversation---

In the car on the way home that night...

Jana: So Auntie Meggy has a baby in her tummy?
Mama: Yes. A boy baby.
Jana: And he is growing in her tummy?
Mama: Yes
Jana: So, when he gets big, she'll just take him out, right? And she'll put him on the ground and he'll walk. Oh wait, he won't be able to walk - he won't be big like me. So, he'll just sit.

Oh, the funny things that go on in a three year old's brain.

While driving over the bridge (over the river) to Grandma and Grandpa's house...
Jana: Look, Mama! It's a pond. Let's go fishing.
Mama: No, baby. That's a river.
Jana: No, it's a pond. Let's go fishing. There are fish in the pond.
Mama: It's a river - see how it keeps going?
Jana: Oh. Then we can't go fishing.
Mama: Why not?
Jana: Because, Mom... (in that teenager, "duh" voice). There are alligators in rivers, not fish.

Oh, okay! We'll leave it at that! :-)

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