Saturday, May 23, 2009

Kara's 24th month.

My dear Kara Mae-

You are so stinking cute these days!!! You are so full of personality and such a sweet girl. It's so fun to see your little personality really take shape.

What a wonderful year we have had with you! I am astonished at how much change has happened in the last year. At 1, you were such a baby still, but now you are trying so hard to be a big girl.

A year ago you were just starting to crawl around and now you're running. You only had a few words and now you're talking in 4 or 5 word sentences. You have such a sweet personality - you are so happy and loving and yet sassy at the same time.

It's also fun to see how different you are from your sister, now that you're starting to express her own wants and preferences.
You have some pretty stinkin' cute sayings these days.
"A Mommy! Look at me!"
"I a ready a go Mama."
"I love you." (Very clear these days and unprompted too.)

You're such a snuggle bug still and I'm so glad you haven't lost that.

You love books. Your favorites are "Moo, Baa, La, la, la", "Blueberry Bunny" (which you recite perfectly on your own), and any book with Mickey or Minnie Mouse in it. You will also sneak away and sit in the little white chair reading the Little People pop up books.

Your favorite snacks are pretzels, fishies, and yogurt. If given the choice, you always choose a salty snack over a sweet one. You are still our meat eater. When eating pasta in meat sauce, you pick out all the meat first and then you'll eat the noodles. With toast, you eat all the crusts first - you eat around the outside, leaving the middle untouched.

You love to try to sing the ABCs and Twinkle Twinkle, but get stuck and then just start over.

You love to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. You love all the characters, but especially Minnie and Goofy. Your favorite one is "Goofy Baby." You ask to watch that one over and over.

You are still obsessed with shoes and "a jacket." We can only put jackets on you that have hoods because you insist on wearing all hoods up. If the jacket doesn't have a hood, you have a spectacular melt down. You also love to have your hair up in "piggies." We think you like how everyone compliments you on them. You put on any shoes you can find: yours, Jana's, Mama's - it doesn't matter.

Here she is in the car one morning. She wasn't so sure about being awake, yet, but being cute all the same.

Kara is set on trying to do everything that Jana does. They fight over the chair at the table without the booster seat all the time now. Apparently we need to take off Kara's booster seat. :-)

My sweet baby climbing on the rocks.

She's so curious about everything. She likes to watch and take everything in. Then she'll get a little braver...
and give it a bit of a taste test. Ewww!
She's getting so tall, too. We think she's pretty close to the same size that Jana was this time last year.
And here's our little birthday girl!

Happy 2nd Birthday my sweet girl! Thank you for two wonderful years. We love you so very, very much!

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