Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Iris Festival 2009

Our town has a huge festival every year when the irises bloom. There's a parade, carnival, street fair, and all kinds of different events. Daddy participated in the street fair this year, providing information about LiveStrong and their survivorship support programs. Of course he did some fundraising as well. He had some wonderful conversations with people and people added links to the chain of people who have affected someone's life who has battled Cancer.

The girl had a wonderful time at the festival. Jana insisted on walking down to the rides, but decided that all of them were too scary! Hee, hee.

The two highlights of the festival for the girls was the music tent that was nice enough to provide music for the girls to dance to.

And the second was the rock sculpture/fountain, upon which the girls spent hours climbing.
Isn't it great to be a girl? One minute she's dancing and the next she climbing rocks!

Here's our little monkey climbing the rocks.

Monkey see, monkey do!

Jana doesn't have a whole lot of patience for Kara, so most of the time, as soon as Kara finally catches up, Jana's off again.

Kara was fascinated by the water and rocks.

And unfortunately we haven't outgrown the taste-testing phase. EWWWW!

Ah, our sweet girl!

Such concentration.
(By the way, this dress was one of Jana's favorites last summer. She insists on continuing to wear it, despite it being WAY too small. At least we can convince her to wear shorts under it.)

We were also able to go swimming with some friends and another time with Daddy as well as enjoy the weather by playing outside a ton. What a fun weekend!

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