Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kara's 23 months old!!

Kara's become a tad independent this month. While it's good, it's easy to see that she is less and less of a baby. I still can't believe she'll be two very soon.

Kara is at that phase where some moments she's completely toddler, and at other moments, she's back to being a baby. I think part of that is because we've let her be a baby, while at this age, we expected Jana to be a bit more independent.

This is my favorite picture (in fact it's the background on my phone right now). This absolutely epidimises where Kara is right now. Here she is running around with a binkie, bib and in a diaper, while wearing sis's boots. She's trying to be big and push into toddlerhood, but still has many baby-ish tendencies.

Kara LOVES babies. Kara wants to give her hugs all the time. However, not being so far about of babihood herself, this doesn't always go so well.

Here's Ari not seeming to be too concerned about Kara giving her a hug.

Then Kara tips over on her - Ari wasn't too happy about that.

Kara is definitely at that age where one moment she seems like such a big girl...
and the next, such a baby.

Kara's vocabulary has exploded this month. It's fun to have a conversation with her now. Her favorite phrase is still "No, Dada." Jana's phrase was when she wanted to be held was, "See me!" Kara's is "Git me." I think it comes from the chase game she plays with Noly and Brenda (I'm going to get you), but it's so stinkin' cute! She's starting to put together sentences, which is very fun... except when she's repeating what big sister is saying. The other day when it was clean up time at Brenda's, instead of cleaning up the toys, Kara declared: "No. I'm not going to." Oops!

Kara loves bubbles: bubbles in the bath tub, bubbles when washing her hands, and blowing bubbles. So the bubbles they got in their Easter baskets have been great, but they fight over them quite a bit.

While her hair isn't very long, she has some amazing hair some mornings.

And even better is, thanks to Jana's photographic abilities, we have proof of Daddy doing hair.

Jana's enthusiasm for umbrellas has rubbed off on Kara. This was one sunny morning after church when we were enjoying our time outside.

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