Monday, March 2, 2009

Oh my, what a difference a year makes!!!!

Back story: I was looking for a pair of shorts for Jana to wear to her first gymnastics class today and she found a pair of her old pants. The cotton capris that she lived in last year. She insisted on wearing them. They are size 2T, so it's not like she's wearing something ridiculously sized. I about fell over - they fit better around her than they did last spring and summer, but oh my. Look at the length of these capris. How did she grow so much in one year??????

Here is Jana on 2/15/08 in the same pants, but just solid green - fit the same way and same length. She's looking like such a baby here!

Here is Jana on March 3, 2008 in these pants.

And here's Jana today.
Really? Is she this big now?

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