Friday, September 26, 2008

A Birthday Party with Grandma and Grandpa

Some friends of Grandma and Grandpa had a birthday party for their son and graciously invited Grandma and Grandpa to bring the girls with them. Jana LOVES trains right now, so this was a great trip for her.

We were told that at one point Kara was lulled to sleep by the motion of the train, but both girls had a wonderful time.

Smiley girl!

Grandma and Kara on the train

Jana (or at least the top of her head), Grandma, and Kara

Jana has a hat thing and apparently had fun wearing Grandpa's hat.

One was on the run...

And one refused to get out of the train.

Grandpa and two of his girls!

And this one cracks me up. Apparently Jana was tormenting this little guy. He had a ball and Jana wanted to play with it, so she chased him around. He did not know what to make of her, so I guess he was not too happy about being chased.

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