Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Kara is 4 months old

Oh, my sweet little girl!

Kara is so smiley and happy (except when she wakes and wants to eat at 1, 3, and 5 am).

She's working on sitting on her own, but shows no desire to roll over again. She spins herself and migrates all over the floor while on her back. When she is on her tummy, she even pulls her legs up under her like she's trying to crawl, but alas, no rolling.

She's so strong. She LOVES to stand. She would stand all day long if we let her. In fact, we pulled out the exersaucer and she loves it.

In an effort to get her to sleep through the night, we put away all of her binkies. The thought was that she's using the binkies to pacify herself to sleep and when she wakes without one, she can't go back to sleep and cries. So, now she has discovered her thumb. Jana was never a thumb sucker so this is very different. It's cute (but worrisome) to see her asleep with her thumb in her mouth.

She's also very interested in her big sister these days. She loves to watch her and gets upset when she can't see her. She even tries to mimic Jana's noises sometimes. Now that's a crack up! Here they are in their new sweat suits that Grandma S bought for them.

At her 4 month appointment, she measured 24 1/2 inches (76th %ile) and 15 lbs, 2 oz (91st %ile). She's so big!

All dressed up and ready for church.

What? Me? Cute? Of course!

Hanging out on Daddy's lap

I've got my duck!


S said...

she's such a cutie! I can't believe she's 4 months already!

Rhonda said...

She is adorable!