Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Jana is 19 Months Old

(A little late)

This has been such a fun month. She is such a character.

It seems like this month she has become such a little girl and so not a baby anymore.

She's a total chatterbox. She seems to have her own language, but talks as though we should know exactly what she's talking about. She even uses emphasis in her sentences, which is soo funny!

We've been working on Baby Signs with her for a long time, but she had only really picked up the sign for dog. Now she's signing the words as she says them. She says/signs: more, eat, drink, all done, baby, bath, bib, flower, dog, cat, stars, moon, love, banana, and blanket. With the exception of stars, moon, love, banana and blanket, she says the words as he signs them. My favorite is when she asks for more and will say "Moooore?" and I'll say "all done," and then she'll add the sign to add emphasis that she wants more and will ask again.

I find it so interesting what kids pick up. We don't let her do the whole "uh uh uh" thing when she wants something. (For goodness sake, she has a large enough vocabulary to explain what it is that she needs.) Now, when she doesn't know the word for it or can't explain what it is she wants/needs, she now points and says "peeez" (please).

Dada is still her favorite climbing toy!

She's becoming pickier about food, but loves to sit at the table with us now. In fact, I have to dish our plates and her plate at the same time to show her that she's eating the same thing as us or she gets fussy about eating it. She only wants big people food.

I'm obsessed with doing her hair now. I think she's absolutely adorable in pig tails or having her hair half up. She has something done to it most days now.

She runs everywhere she goes. Why walk when you can run? The problem is that when we're out and about, she'll take off running. If I have Kara, it's a bit problematic to take off after her.

Her new favorite "toy" to play with is her dry beans. She loves to make a mess with them and put them in one container and then into another. The only problem with this is the dog likes to eat them, so she's relegated to her bed just off the tile floor of the kitchen. If I turn my back for a second, she's running into the kitchen to eat a few beans before I make her get out again.

Jana loves other kids! We have a play group now, but she rarely plays with the other kids; she just likes to watch them. She's fascinated with my nephew. He's 3 and she loves him, his toys, and to run after him, but he quickly gets a little bored with her! :-) It's so funny to watch them. They took a bath the other night when we were there and she kept scooting closer to him and he kept moving toward the end of the tub to get away from her! So funny!

She still loves her little sister and is getting excited now that Kara is able to interact with her. Kara loves the exersaucer (the kid would stand all the time if we let her), so that means it's easier for Jana to play with her now.

She's going to be a lion for Halloween. She found the costume in the bag after I bought it and she is loves it. She puts it on most days and walks around as a "Roar."

Jana discovered her Johnnie Jump Up from when she was little. She didn't like it too much when she was little, but is obsessed with it now. She jumped in that thing for an hour and a half the other day. Good thing she's pretty little still or she wouldn't be able to fit in it.

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