Monday, October 13, 2008


We've joked about it, but I am 100% convinced that this was the truth. Kara needed to be perfect at walking before she was going to do it. And guess what? She's pretty darn good at it. She's even attempting running now too.

Friday night (yes, 3 days ago) she decided to get motoring. She's been practicing walking across the room between Dada and Mama at bed time, but other than that, she hasn't been wanting to do more than a few steps at a time.

Now, the kid walks and walks and walks and walks. Holy Smokes! She was a sweaty mess this evening because she literally spent 3 hours walking around while we were in the childcare at the gym. She just wandered aimlessly the whole night, but did so on her feet.

Silly kid!

Here's a video of her showing off her walking skills through quite an obstacle course. They had fun emptying drawers this morning.


Jen said...


Kristi Ann said...

Heheheh she is too cute!!!

I love her little "catch" at the end. She is getting good! :)

And her outfit is too cute too!

How are YOU??