Thursday, January 24, 2008

Kara's 8 months old!

J and I were just talking about how we needed to put Kara in the convertible car seat. I was whining about the fact that will require the passenger seat to be knees to the dash board for the seat to face backward. I was lamenting about how long we would have to endure the uncomfortable seat during drives... then I realized that it would only be for 4 months. Kara will be 1 in 4 months - holy cow, where has time gone?

Kara is such a wiggler! Despite liking her swing, we've had to put it away. Why you ask? Just look and you tell me.

Sliding down

Trying to flip herself out.

Kara is getting the final wear of the Seahawk jersey.
One of the newest developments is Kara's ability to sit (and Grammy's generous donation of a bath seat), so now we are able to bathe the girls together. Jana loves dumping water over Kara and Kara loves chewing on anything she can get in her mouth and watching Jana.

Kara has also decided that it's fun to dump her toys out of her box. All you have to do is set the box in front of her and some days she takes them out one by one and others she dumps them all out at once.

Kara's a bit more of a picky eater than Jana was. She's not so happy about the veggies (except for sweet potato), but LOVES banana, applesauce and pear.

This isn't the best video because somehow when I view it, Kara's head is cut out of the pic (I swear I could see her when I took the video), but here is Kara's new favorite pass time. Jumping.

1 comment:

S said...

where has time gone? 8 months old already?!! She's super cute!