Monday, January 21, 2008

Jana's 23 months old!

Oh my beautiful, amazing, wonderful little girl!

You bring me to tears just thinking about you. I think about how sad and shallow my life would be without you...

and you also brought tears to my eyes yesterday when you flailed your arms in a fit and accidentally hit me on the nose with Daddy's phone. :-)

You've become two, oh how you've become two.

Jana's language is amazing me these days. She's really starting to put together sentences. "I see you Daddy." Her Jana-isms are starting to fade as she's speaking more clearly. New acquisitions this month have been: Dinosaur (Di-shore), Justin (cousin), awesome, Diego-go (ugh, another new show to watch), and, unfortunately, oh my gosh, oh crap, oh geez, and idiot. oops!

I doubt it means much to her except that everyone oohs and ahhs and says how cute she is, but we have a fun little exchange we like to do.

Me: "Jana, how old are you?"
Jana: One
Me: How old will you be in February?
Jana: Two.

I wish you could hear her inflections - it makes it that much better. I'll have to try to get video of it.

One of my favorite new developments is her singing. She tries to sing twinkle twinkle little star, abcs, and you are my sunshine. She'll say "sing twinkle" or "sing sunshine." There are only a few parts of the songs that are discernible when she sings : "T-U-V-W" and "take my sunshine away", but it is so incredibly endearing, nonetheless.

Jana loves to dance. She's starting to have different dances too. She has her "We did it" dance (Thanks Dora), she loves to "waltz" with Daddy, she spins around until she falls over giggling "dizzy" or she just runs in circles - all of which she declares as dancing.

(I have a video of this too, but I'll have to do some editing before I can put it up here.)

We thought (okay, I did) that it would be fun for her to "help" me in the kitchen. I pulled up our paint splattered step stool and let her help me put cheese on the casserole. However now, I'm questioning that idea. She now pulls her step stool up to the counters and does all kinds of entertaining things - like eat mama's food, push the message button over and over on the answering machine, and play with Mama's laptop on the island. ugh! Nothing is safe anymore.

And here is the look she sports when she's exclaimed "want!" and is reaching for something that she shouldn't have... like here it is the camera.

However, she's still such an amazingly sweet little thing and is just so darn lovable. As you can see, she's even won over my bro. Until this weekend Ryan was called "Dave" as was Dave and Patrick. We think she was getting confused and either thought that all uncles were named Dave or that the tall build and brown hair that all three have was confusing her. But, this weekend she seemed to have gotten it figured out and we now have "Dave," "Pat," and "Wyan."

The other clear indicator of approaching two, is that the "baby" slides aren't good enough any more. You can see that she has conquered the big slide at the indoor park. I can't same I'm a fan of this, but she thinks it's great.

And lastly, I'm so not looking forward to the teenage years. Here's my little girl, all punked out. Yes, that's a t-shirt saying "I don't do pink" and a stocking hat... inside. Walk down the halls of your average high school today and you'll see why I'm very very afraid. :-)

1 comment:

S said...

She's so grown up! Every day she will be picking up something new that will amaze you, Adam does! Ad love to help in the kitchen too! I finally got him to stop touching all of my things by separating a drawer with things just for him: plastic bowl, spatula, whisk, can opening (he loves that!) etc. two is so wonderful! (minus the five or six time outs in a day LOL)