Monday, March 12, 2007

Learning Everyday

I wish it was just Jana that was learning everyday, but she seems to be teaching us plenty... about how we are so incredibly not prepared for an active, inquisitive, and some times devious toddler.

Lesson #1:

First, she decided that she wanted to do laps around the futon. Three out of the four sides are not a problem; it's that last side that told us we need to either block it off completely or make it passable by the squirt.

This is looking down at her. The arm of the futon is in front of her and the sliding glass door is behind her. And yes, she is kneeling in the basket full of dog towels

Now she's trying to get out of the basket on the other side by using her music table.

Lesson #2

Look very, very carefully to the side of her head by her eye and just below her eye. Yup, that's right. We learned how to take the lid off pens today!

Here are the close ups!

Lesson #3: No pics.

J has been getting on my case about being sure to close drawers. Well, after getting a knife out of the drawer, he forgot to close it and Jana closed her finger in it, slicing it open. Poor little thing has her first band-aid.

Another day, another set of lessons the mama and dada are learning!

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