Friday, March 23, 2007

Jana's 13 months old

I can't believe my baby girl is already 13 months old.

She's such an amazing joy to be around!

We're starting to see some toddler fits and we're not doing a good job of managing them. J and I find ourselves working very hard to keep from laughing hysterically! She even has the lie on the ground and flail her arms and legs. Where do they learn that?

She's like a little parrot! She mimics everything, unless she has an audience of course. On her own, she'll say: mama, dada, baby, doggie (but loves to do the baby sign more), hi, bye bye, and yes. The words she'll repeat after you all the time are: Tigger, banana, please, thank you, moo, baa, roar, up, sheep, Maiya (the dog), and somtimes even Maiya no (oops, we must say that way too often!).

She is definitely a fine-motor kid! She seems to develop by reaching the fine motor milestones before the works on the gross motor skills. She loves to take things apart and put them back together. Her favorite toys at my in laws are their candles. My mother in law has these little tea light seasonal candles (for all seasons) and then the tea lights in the plastic containers. Jana loves to take the tea light out of the holder and then take the candle out of the plastic. Then she puts them back together so she can do it again. She also loves mega blocks where she can put them together and take them apart.

However, we're not really making any big movements toward walking. She cruises everywhere and now that we brought the coffee table back in, she's always standing at it, playing with her toys. She freaks out if she can't reach something and will drop down to crawl to it.

She's doing so much better on food these days. She still loves toast, banana bread and grilled cheese sandwiches, but is expanding her tastes. She still loves all fruit, but is now trying all kinds of vegetables successfully. She now eats peas, carrots, corn, green beans, and lima beans. She LOVES baked potatoes and pasta. She loved lasagna last week when I made it. We actually discovered that she loves plain chicken. I just cook up some plain chicken tenders and she loves them.

She's actually off bottles too! She was a champ switching from formula to milk. We had one day that she was grumpy about getting her milk in a sippy cup instead of a bottle before bed, but after that she was awesome. We gave up the morning bottle this morning with no problem. (Knock on wood! I'll keep my fingers crossed that it stays this way.)

Here are some new pics of Jana

Here's her last bath in the bath seat.

Here she's being a big girl and pulling out all of her toys. This was moments before she up ended herself into the basket.

Smiley girl!

Jana's first attempt at coloring. I LOVE the color wonders, by the way. She couldn't believe we were actually giving her a pen and taking the lid off.

Unfortunately, she also likes to shove as much food in her mouth as she can fit. This was after she shoved in three pieces of her toast and couldn't close her mouth to chew.

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