Thursday, February 1, 2007

Spoiled by the sun

Can I tell you how much I want it to be Spring?

We've had beautiful, sunny weather, but cold, for a week now and it's wonderful. The only problem that we run into is that since Jana is still crawling, it's very difficult to spend time outside with her. She tries to climb out of her stroller, gets very fussy if she is being held, and just wants to crawl around... that's difficult when it is still so cold out and she'll be crawling on the either frosty or wet ground.

I can't wait to be able to take walks again outside all the time. This last week, we've walked at least once a day, every day. It's been fabulous!

Here are some new pictures.

Hanging out with Aunt Laura and cousin Tyler.

Meeting cousin Justin for the first time.

"No, I'm not posing for the camera! What would ever have given you that idea?"

"My new favorite thing to do is to torment the dog. She's no longer out of reach, hee, hee! See, I even try to get to her when she's outside."

A trip to the park. Notice the car seat toys in her hand that she found when I was putting them into a box for the new baby. Now she won't go anywhere without them.

"I loved the swing! I giggled the whole time. Mama and I were on a swing together for a while, but since her lap is disappearing, it made it difficult. Plus, I got to be a big girl in the big kid swing... (okay, baby swing, but bigger kid than me:) )."

"Mama also took me down the slide. Good thing it was her backside that got frozen and not mine!"

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